
by Sinclair Lewis, Pulitzer Prize winner, 1925

Martin Arrowsmith comes from Elk Mills in the state of Winnemac. Goes to medical school in early 1900’s. Falls in love with research with Dr. Gottlieb. Marries Leora, a wonderful girl who adores him. They move to her hometown, Wheatsylvania (North Dakota) but can’t get on with the locals, including her family. They get a job in Nautilus, Ohio. He works for Doctor Pickerbaugh, who runs the Public Health Dept. and writes little poems. Martin falls in lust with Orchid, his oldest daughter. She moves away with Dad to Washington. He becomes director and gets run out of town for doing the right thing (burning old tenements, shutting down a dairy). Moves to Chicago and works for surgeons. Then leaves to go to McGurk Institute in NYC with Gottlieb. He gets to research. Goes to Caribbean Island to fight the plague with his “phage.” Loses Leora to plague while he was in another part of the island. Returns to NYC and marries millionaire, Joyce. Tries to make a go of it but can’t stand the social life of the rich. Moves to the woods of Vermont to do research with his friend, Terry. Pure research. Hmm…strange book – SATIRE – SOCIAL CRITICISM – negative – he dislikes everyone for their hypocrisy, greed, stupidity, etc., except Dr. Gottlieb, Leora, friend Terry.