by Aldous Huxley, 1932
I didn’t read this, but Wayne did, twice; once in high school and then, again, just recently. He said not to bother with it, but there are warnings for us. They used genetic engineering focusing on cognitive abilities, to mass-produce humans in test-tubes, some created to be slaves, others higher caste. Alphas will run things and gammas will dig ditches. 21st Century equivalent will be genetic modification of embryos/fetus’. They considered the idea of family to be obscene. The goal was homogeneity – eliminate individuality. They condition behaviors via Pavlovian conditioning and hypnotic suggestion all through youth, for example: consumption is good; you belong to everybody; families are obscene, gross, icky; drugs are good; we are better than gammas but not as good as alphas, etc. (maintaining a functional prejudice concerning castes). Humans are kept in line via distractions: entertainment, drugs, sex and recreation. Stability, via conformity, is the ultimate goal. Everybody is “satisfied” and happy. No unmet desires (either met via social engineering above, or stamped out by same.) Means no passions either. No individuality, or God.
In our world today (America), our children are indoctrinated into consumerism from their earliest ages. We are also a nation of distraction – “entertain me” is our daily bread. So, good warnings for us. “The Herd” – we are managed, like a herd, for the benefit of the management – the people who own us.