by John Ortberg, 2005
Great book. First Pres Lenten Study 2010. Wayne led small group: Dave and Norma Brown, Roger and Elizabeth Heins, Al & Rosemary Habernicht, Jim and Linda Wagner, Patrice Quadrel.
Started out with a bad attitude because it’s not “The Hole in Our Gospel,” but ended up liking it very much. Especially “As You Wish.” Wayne made a beautiful screen saver – the Lord’s Prayer/As You Wish on Oregon waterfall.
“A Beautiful Mind.” Wayne decided to stop reading Newsweek and paper and stop listening to NPR, and last part of Chapter 9 – talking about Job – “When God Seems Absent.” “If it is winter in your life, and you wonder where God is, you don’t have to wonder any more. He is the God of the ash heap.” “Sitting on an ash heap; scraping boils off his skin with shards of broken and discarded pots; feeling broken, sick, mocked, confused, and hopeless – Job discovered what people in pain sometimes learn better than anyone else. He was not alone after all. Not even in winter.”
Chapter 10: The Hedge – “Make up there come down here.” Last chapter ties in to The Hole in Our Gospel. The Gospel is not the minimum entry requirements into heaven (solely) – Jesus taught us – Thy Kingdom Come, Thy Will Be Done, on earth as it is in heaven.” Our acts of love, kindness, forgiveness, service make what’s up there come down here.
Also, early on – waking up and thinking of God 1st thing – that is my biggest challenge. Going to bed – thanking God for specific things in the day.
Beautiful, funny, full book.
CIHU — Can I Help You? – look at people with that attitude!